
Xinu + makefile for c program
Xinu + makefile for c program

xinu + makefile for c program

The reason I do not want to use that is because there seems to be some limitations, and I thought there could be more problems than the conventional way (maybe not). I also know that there is a project in github, which advertises to be able to boot xinu in a javascript PC emulator. The reason I do not want to use that version is that it does not include as many features as in the code in github.

xinu + makefile for c program

To explain things a bit, I know that on the Xinu Page, there is a Versions of Xinu for a VM along with instructions item under the Code Available For Download section, which includes a VBox version (I will refer to it as the VBox version below). So my goal (and also the goal of this question) was to boot xinu in VBox.

xinu + makefile for c program

To really get down to it, I wanted to do some modify-and-test. I downloaded the source code from the xinu-os repo on github (up to 4d489eead3a49170f69041b959bd5a1bd8dff92d) and compiled xinu.boot and xinu.elf myself. I want to learn something about OS and networking with Xinu.

Xinu + makefile for c program